Cinematic tables of contents

Set the tone
Imagine if these kinds of web presentations coud happen right in the player app, where people actually listen to podcasts:

Podcast series like Serial and S-Town put a lot of work into their websites. There, they have elaborate presentations of their shows. Only problem is no one listens to podcasts on websites. Timeline brings beautiful illustrations into podcast players and opens up new possibilities for storytelling.
An episode at a glance
A Timeline gives listeners a way to see what's in an episode at a glance:

Content types
Some of the content types that can be added to an episode's timeline:

Episodes can be divided into chapters. For example, This American Life is typically presented in distinct segments: Intro, Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, etc. With Timeline chapters, listeners can share and discuss individual segments on social media, jump to any part of the episode that catches their eye.
Each chapter can have a title, description and image.
Pull quotes

The magazine treatment for audio programs.
Other labels

Labels or bookmarks for any section. For example, publishers can mark each of the questions asked by the interviewer so listeners can easily navigate an interview, be reminded of what they’ve just learned and/or share their favorite parts.